Register to Vote and Participate in Democracy

CSU Students,

We know classes are just getting started and as part of CSU’s Thematic Year of Democracy, we want to encourage you to participate in democracy and civic engagement.  If you are able to vote, please register to vote and vote in the election on November 7! Voting ensures that your voice is heard in our community. If you are unable to vote, we encourage you to engage in using your voice in other ways.

If you live or go to school in Colorado, are at least 18 years old, and are a U.S. citizen, you have the right to register to vote and vote in Coloradoeven if your permanent address is in another state. You can only vote in one location so pick the one that makes the most sense for your situation. In Colorado, all eligible registered voters automatically receive a mail ballot so you can easily vote by mail or ballot drop-box. CSU hosts a Polling Center on campus as well as a ballot drop-box in the Engineering Parking lot, just outside the LSC doors on the north side.

Key dates to know include:

  • Oct. 16: Ballots begin to be mailed out to voters. Ballot drop boxes begin to open.
  • Oct. 30: Last day to register online and still receive a ballot in the mail.
  • Nov. 7: Election Day! Drop off your ballot or be in line to vote in person no later than 7 p.m. at a Voter Service Center.

You must update your voter registration each time you move! Here are some fast facts:

  • Every eligible voter can complete the registration process or update their address completely online at gov, using the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number or your CO ID. You can also register in person at your County Clerk’s office, by mail, or at a Colorado DMV.
  • As of July 2019, if you are serving a sentence of parole, you may register to vote and vote in Colorado. For more information about voting with convictions, please visit org.
  • You may register to vote online or update your registration and still receive a mail ballot up to 8 days before the election in which you intend to vote. After that, you can register to vote or update your registration in person at a Voter Service Center and vote in person, up until 7 p.m. on Election Day when polls close.
  • If you have any questions, give your County Clerk a call or email.

For information about registering or updating your registration in a state other than Colorado, visit

Go Rams!

Craig Chesson, Dean of Students                               Nick DeSalvo, ASCSU Student Body President